最終日、最南端の街から飛行機で飛んで帰るべく飛行場に行くと、添乗するはずのスチュワーデスが事故で救急で運ばれ、フライトはキャンセル、我々はいくつかのその後のフライトに分散して帰宅することに… こんな初体験も珍しい。みんな、本当にお疲れ様でした。
At last I ended a long 2-week tour. I have realized it is not easy to handle 12 times. I want to send fatigue to colleagues of NZSO who played 12 times in the same way
and all of RF band members! On the way we flying back from the southernmost town the last day, the flight attendant who should conduct it being carried by first aid in an accident. Our flight was cancelled and we were dispersed into some of the next flight … Such first experience is rare, too. All really thank you. |