
27日 11月 2019
23日 9月 2018
One of my highlights this year has completed. I had wonderful opportunity to play Bottesini Duo Concertante with Matt. It’s been more than 1.5years since I asked Matt and Elizabeth toorganizethisopportunity. I really hope that we have another or more opportunities next year!! Thank you Matt, Elizabeth and Wairua Symphony. YouTube
10日 8月 2018
夏期学校2018 今年も楽しかった!!!! 40℃ 近くの暑さでクタクタだったけれど、生徒さんたちの吸収の速さもすごかった‼️ DUOを楽しむことを伝えたかった私、とっても嬉しい3日間でした。最終日の演奏素晴らしかったね!素敵な日本の夏をありがとう。写真撮影禁止だったのがちょっとビックリでした。
22日 6月 2018
Being grateful to join TSO for part of “Dark Mofo” festival in Hobart. It was such a wonderful days staying in Hobart Tasmania and enjoyed music of Gorecki, Part and Vasks. I would like to thank all the members of TSO and Vesa. The photos are the concert hall Federation Concert Hall and amazing dawn from Mt.Wellington Hobart.
10日 6月 2018
ベートーベントリプル 楽しかったです! 東京トリオメンバーと清水マエストロと狛江フィルとの夢の共演でした。 3日間だけの帰国でリハーサルも本番も、楽ではない歳になってきてしまったけど、お二人の代奏や狛江フィルの皆様のおかげで存分に楽しむことができました。本当にありがとうございました! Wonderful time with Tokyo Trio, Maestro Shimizu and Komae Philharmonic...
10日 6月 2018
Wonderful time making music with my colleagues!! More than happy to be sandwiched by Bruckner!!!! Stuff feedback 批評です
04日 4月 2018
08日 3月 2018
久しぶりの飛鳥II 楽しかったです! 素敵な旅をご一緒させていただいてありがとうございました!
07日 1月 2018
I had a wonderful opportunity to play solos for my former teachers and their students. I played few pieces from Suzuki Book, Bach Chaconne and Zigeunerweisen. I am very happy that they enjoyed our performance. Hope to see them again sometime!!!!
07日 1月 2018
I had a very special concert experimenting collaboration of reading novel and music. The project was combining some classical music, Pops music and a part of story from one of the Japanese best seller novel in 2017. We had three concerts and the hall was almost full of audiences every time, amazing... Hope to have same kind of project in NZ someday!
